Por defecto: 
Hybrid Shame and the Right to Voice and Visibility
Mira Moshe

Última modificación: 2020-01-01


More and more attention is given to on-line vs. off line social interactions and social behavior based upon strategic and practical aspects of managing communications hence paving the way  to the notion of hybrid shame.


Theoretical framework - hybrid shame can be defined as a pragmatic system of social negotiation regarding the boundaries of what is allowed or forbidden, what is acceptable or unacceptable in order for social mirroring to form the basis of social and symbolic interaction. The essence of hybrid shame is rooted in the hybridization of offline and online symbolic interactions.


Theoretical contribution - hybrid shaming encourages breaking boundaries and casting doubt on accepted identities. Fundamentally, the perception of hybridity creates an interpretative sphere that shakes traditional logical culture while creating a counter  narrative to the canonic one. In fact, hybrid shame conducts a negotiation regarding cultural hegemony that is responsible for marking cultural boundaries that traditionally demark offline shame, while searching for alternatives to such cultural and political hegemonies by means of outlining and creating online shaming.


Current research objective – the current research objective is to utilize Israeli rabbinical courts decisions regarding the usage of communication technologies as a platform to give visibility to muted voices to an "Aguna" -- the Hebrew term for a Jewish woman who is "chained" to her marriage since her husband refuses, or is unable, to grant her a divorce -- as an opportunity to portray the hybrid shame.


Palabras clave

hybridization, offline - online symbolic interactions, medialization of emotions, integrated communication landscape, hybrid shame