Última modificación: 2020-01-08
Mobbing is prevalent in both private sector and public sector having tremendous negative impacts on victims, organizations and society all over the world. Nevertheless, the subject has received scarce attention in academic literature and in legislative acts in many countries including Turkey. Although mobbing is claimed as gender neutral by definition, majority of the studies indicates that women are exposed to mobbing more than men and they experience more adverse effects compared to men. At Turkish universities gender seems to be an important antecedent of exposure to mobbing. Universities are gendered and conflict laden organizations burdened with power imbalances aggravated by the fact that males hold more dominant positions. The abuse of the legitimate power by the academicians in administrative positions for their own interests lead to an environment nurturing mobbing behavior which may target academicians from both gender. Nevertheless, the underrepresentation of women in higher administrative positions in a masculine organization makes women more likely to be targets of mobbing. Our paper reveals the effect of the masculine nature of universities and organizational politics as facilitators of mobbing behavior directed against women academicians in Turkey.