Última modificación: 2020-01-08
Family business, as the most popular business form, dominates the world economy (Astrachan and Shanker, 2003). Compared with other business forms, family business presents important particularities that stem from a family business system perspective that integrates the family, ownership, and business subsystems (Tagiuri and Davis, 1982). Due to its role and uniqueness, an important growth of family business research has been recorded over the past three decades. While the main research directions were focused on family firms’ behavior and the results of such behavior (Massis and Foss, 2018) fewer cultural studies were conducted in family business. The research purpose is to analyze the current state of theory in family business research and discuss its cultural implications from the perspective of a literature review focused on the cultural dimensions of family firm investigation. The study proposes possible directions for future research toward a better understanding of family firm as a cultural phenomenon.