Following the meetings in Washington DC (2009), Belgirate (2011),  Kinsale  (2013) and Istanbul (2015), the fifth symposium on Games and Decisions in Reliability and Risk (GDRR), will be organised in Madrid by ICMAT and the Royal Academy of Sciences.
The objective of the symposium is to present novel useS of Game and Decision theory in reliability and risk analysis and bring together researchers from diverse disciplines such as Economics, Engineering, Finance, Mathematics, Medical sciences, Probability and Statistics who find themselves working with, and contributing to this theme.
All sessions at this symposium will be plenary, with a mix of invited and contributed talks.
A special issue of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry will be prepared. Special Issue editors will be Antonio Pievatolo, David Rios and Simon Wilson. All submission will go through the standard selective review process of ASMBI.
The Symposium will take place at the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences at Valverde 22, Madrid
Further information may be obtained from Send Mail
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