¿Vive alguien aquí? Cierre de minas y despoblación en las zonas mineras de España

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Xaquin S. Perez Sindin
Esteban Fernandez Vazquez
Alexia Sanz-Hernández
Ángel Alonso Domínguez
Manuel García Docampo


Uno de los problemas socioeconómicos más urgentes en los países de la UE ha sido la despoblación de una parte significativa de su territorio. Las áreas menos urbanizadas se perciben como lugares poco atractivos para vivir y han estado perdiendo población de manera constante en las últimas décadas. En el caso de España, este fenómeno europeo se ha visto exacerbado en varios territorios caracterizados por una gran presencia histórica de industrias primarias y extractivas. Cuantificamos empíricamente la contribución que tuvo el cierre de la minería del carbón, fuertemente subvencionada, en las tendencias de despoblación experimentadas en las áreas intensivas en minería en España. Esto plantea una cuestión de investigación interesante, ya que tanto los territorios mineros como los no mineros en España han sufrido una notable tendencia negativa en términos demográficos desde principios de los años noventa, período en el cual la industria minera del carbón comenzó a cesar progresivamente su actividad. Nuestra estrategia empírica se basa en estimadores de emparejamiento que comparan la tendencia demográfica entre municipios con alta y baja intensidad minera en cuatro provincias, controlando por características observables y aislando el efecto neto del "shock" originado por el fin de estas actividades mineras. Nuestro análisis encuentra un efecto negativo, estadísticamente significativo y considerable, en la caída de la población de los municipios mineros entre 1991 y 2011.


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Cómo citar
Perez Sindin, X. S., Fernandez Vazquez, E., Sanz-Hernández, A., Alonso Domínguez, Ángel, & García Docampo, M. (2024). ¿Vive alguien aquí? Cierre de minas y despoblación en las zonas mineras de España. methaodos.Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 12(2), m241202a06. https://doi.org/10.17502/mrcs.v12i2.822
Biografía del autor/a

Xaquin S. Perez Sindin, University of Warsaw

PhD in Sociology from the University of A Coruña. He currently works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Economy at the University of Warsaw (Poland), and is an affiliated researcher at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN), University of Copenhagen. His research focuses on the social impact of development projects (particularly related to energy and mining): social issues, conflicts, contestation, inequality; public perception of environmental planning and interventions; social aspects of energy transition and mine closure: identity, power and resistance, public perceptions and socio-economic changes.

Esteban Fernandez Vazquez, University of Oviedo

Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Oviedo and holds a PhD in Economics. He has served as the coordinator of the Regional Economic Analysis Laboratory, REGIOlab, of which he is a research member. His work lies at the intersection of three fields: econometric modeling, input-output analysis, and regional-spatial economics. The results of his research have led to over fifty publications indexed in journals included in JCR or SCOPUS. He is the editor of the journal Regional Science Policy & Practice and is also a member of the editorial committee of Spatial Economic Analysis.

Alexia Sanz-Hernández, University of Zaragoza

PhD in Sociology (1997, University of Zaragoza). Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza. Director of the Tervalis Chair of Bioeconomy and Society and leader of this strategic line within the research group “Socioeconomy and Sustainability”. Member of Institute for Research on Employment, Digital Society, and Sustainability. Her research focuses on the social aspects of sustainability transitions, the sociological analysis of public policies, and the communication surrounding the management, consumption, and production of natural resources. She is also the Director of the Circular Society Lab, which is focused on innovation, education, and communication related to the ecological and digital transitions.

Ángel Alonso Domínguez, University of Oviedo

PhD from the University of Oviedo. He has over twenty years of experience in the private sector, working for twelve years in the shipbuilding industry. He is currently a teaching and research staff member (PDI) in the Department of Sociology at the University of Oviedo, where he has participated in national and international projects as a member of the excellence network Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe and the research group Promoting Employment and Welfare in Europe. His most recent research areas include occupational well-being, deindustrialization processes, and the just energy transition.

Manuel García Docampo, University of A Coruña

PhD in Sociology and Associate Professor at the University of A Coruña, affiliated with the Department of Sociology and a member of the Territorial Studies Group. His main area of work is the Sociology of Territory. In this field, he has published various works and has dedicated much of his teaching and knowledge transfer efforts. Among his recent projects is the Erasmus+ project Landscapes that Connect. Smart Specialization in the Creative Management of Sustainable Rural Heritage and Landscape (2021-2023), as well as publications such as Sustainable Urbanism: The Path of Cities in the 2030 Agenda, in the International Journal of Communication and Development.

Funding data


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